December 14, 1940

Original Source Documents:   September 1, 1938 - 451 - Progress Report - Month Ending August 31, 1938 - Project EDT - No. 29-8 - Truck, Chassis, 4-wheel drive, Quarter-ton Capacity (Carrier - Machine Gun)

Contributor:    Todd G. Paisley

Source:  National Archives - Philadelphia


Engr. File: 451 (Development)

September 1, 1938

SUBJECT:     Progress Report - Month Ending August 31, 1938 - Project EDT - No. 29-8 - Truck Chassis, 4-wheel drive, 1/4-ton capacity (Carrier - Machine Gun)

TO:     The Quartermaster General, Washington, D. C.

1. In compliance with instructions contained in paragraph 2. c. (1), Letter OQMG, dated September 4, 1937, file: M 451 T-M (Development), subject: "General Instructions - Experimental, Development and Test Program, Army Transportation, Motors". the following progress report for the month ending August 31, 1938, covering the above-mentioned project number, is submitted.

a. In accordance with verbal conversation with Lieut. Colonel J. H. Johnson, Q.M.C., OQMG, it is recommended that this project be closed and a new project set up authorizing the construction of a 3-passenger light weight open body for this chassis, so that this vehicle can be tested in comparison with the 3-passenger motor tricycle.

H. J. Lawes,
Lieut. Colonel, QuartermasterCorps,

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Last updated 16 September 2006