December 14, 1940

Original Source Documents:   July 9, 1941 - W-398-qm-8888 - Eugene M Rice to Lt. Col. J. Van Ness Ingram, QMC

Contributor:    Bill Norris

Source:  Lt. Colonel Dow's collection, Detroit Library


Washington, DC

July 9th, 1941.


Lieut. Colonel J. Van Ness Ingram, Q.N.C.

Holabird Quatermster Depot,

Baltimore, Maryland


re - Contract W-398-qm-8888


Dear Sir:


In accordance with instructions of Lieut. Colonel Douglas Dow, Quartermaster General's Office, Washington D.C. We have to-day accepted an order from Fuller, Merritt, Chapman & Scott, Purchasing Contractors for U.S. Naval Air Stations, their #A-5169.


This contract calls for delivery of fifty (50) 1/4 Ton 4x4 Trucks, and carries a priority certificate #AN-937644, with a rating of A-1a.  We are, according to instructions from Colon Dow, shipping ten (10) trucks against Fuller's order and deducting the parts required from available material on hand to fulfill your order W-398-qm-8888.


This means that a delay will be had in delivery of trucks to you as scheduled to be complete August 4th. per your Change Order "A", dated February 11th, on the above contract.  We will deliver the trucks against your order, as soon as material can be obtained, estimating that same will require ninety (90) days from this date.


Shipment of the balance of the order is subject to release from you, we having, in the meantime ordered material to manufacture same, using priority certificate furnished by the Navy contractor.


We will appreciate your acknowledgement of the above as being in accord with your desires.


Very truly yours,


Willys-Overland Motors, Inc.,

Eugene M. Rice, Representative.


cc - Lt. Col. C. Dow - Q.M.G. - Washington

       Mr. J. W. Frazer - Pres. - Toledo

       Mr. L. F. Lowry - Treas. - Toledo


Copyright 2006 - Todd Paisley (
Last updated 27 August 2006